Where We Work:


The Bili-Uele Protected Area Complex stretches over 40,000 square kilometers and hosts significant populations of Eastern chimpanzees and forest elephants. Because this area makes up part of the Congo Basin rainforest—a vital global carbon sink, which sequesters more carbon than the Amazon—it is critical for conservation. But the country’s wildlife authority has struggled to effectively protect and manage Bili-Uele due to a dire lack of resources and the extraordinary remoteness of this landscape.

We’ve partnered with the DRC’s wildlife authority (the Institut Congolais pour la Conservation de la Nature, or ICCN) in the Bili-Uele Protected Area Complex since 2016. This work has been primarily supported by the European Union under its ECOFAC 6 Preserving Biodiversity and Fragile Ecosystems in Central Africa Programme.

Our comprehensive approach addresses the range of challenges and opportunities in the landscape, where we uphold a firm commitment to human rights:

  • Supporting law enforcement
  • Investing in protected area infrastructure
  • Developing sustainable livelihoods
  • Creating incentives for sustainable community practices
  • Monitoring wildlife
Bili-Uele Bili-Uere Bomu Wildlife Reserve
National Park
Other State Protected Area

We work with the people of Democratic Republic of Congo for wildlife. Our strategic, implementing and funding partners include:


Parc Agroindustriel de Dingila

Communities in the Bili-Uele landscape

Wildlife We Are Protecting

By the Numbers

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11,000 Square kilometers mapped in community land-use planning, with 4,527 designated as a wildlife corridor

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65% Community members reporting a greater sense of security and ease of movement as of 2022

Antoine Tabu


Antoine Tabu

Country Coordinator-DRC/Deputy Chief of Party