Africa’s Voice for Wildlife
Africa’s Voice for Wildlife
We are an Africa-based global conservation organization protecting wildlife and their habitats as essential parts of a modern and prosperous Africa. We articulate a unique vision of African-led conservation, focusing on solutions that create opportunity for people — not at the expense of wildlife and their habitats, but because of them.
Our Closest Living Relative
Bonobos share 98.7 percent of our DNA. It’s fitting, then, that their fate is intertwined with ours—only a people-centered conservation approach can sustain them.

AWF in Action
Protecting Pangolins from Poachers in Cameroon’s Dja Faunel Reserve
In early morning patrols late last year, in the villages of Echiembot and Bigongol, Eastern Cameroon, a team of eco-guards, supported by the African Wildlife Foundation (AWF), embarked on a mission th… Read more
We’re working to ensure wildlife and wild lands thrive in modern Africa.
Our multi-faceted approach ensures conservation strategies work for wildlife and people.