Books and Papers

The African Widlife Foundation publishes scientific books, papers and technical handbooks. Whenever possible, AWF makes its publications available to the public.

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Other Articles, Publications

How CBNRM can Deliver Inclusive, Fair and Equitable Conservation for People and Nature. African and Chinese Perspectives from Land and Marine Conservation

Africa CSOs Biodiversity Alliance & China’s Civil Society Alliance for Biodiversity ConservationACBA Webinar Report

The African Civil Society Biodiversity Alliance (ACBA), a grouping of 80 CSOs across Africa
expresses its strong support for the African Group of Negotiators, as outlined in the statement by
the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) during the session of 11th June 2021.

African Civil Society Biodiversity AllianceAfrican Civil Society Biodiversity Alliance Letter to CBD Chairs on Recommendations

L’Alliance des OSC africaines pour la biodiversité (ACBA) Rapport de Dialogue - Novembre 24, 2020

ACBAObjectifs de Protection Spatiale - Dialogue 30 X 30 - Dans le Cadre Mondial de la Biodiversité Post-2020

African CSO Biodiversity Alliance (ACBA) Dialogue Report — November 24, 2020

ACBASpatial Protection Targets – 30 X 30 Dialogue - in the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework