World Parks Congress & A New Future for Africa's Parks

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Sadly, we are hearing more and more about human and wildlife conflict. To eat, drink, and survive, animals are wandering and migrating beyond park boundaries, often straight into disaster. They trample crops of bordering landowners or disrupt the lives of local communities, sometimes paying the price of their life in return. And, as wild species begin to disappear, the country becomes poorer both biologically and economically. But, what can we do?

Fortunately, in September, the world will engage in a once-per-decade dialogue about wildlife, wild lands and human development. Government officials, scientists, conservationists and business leaders will debate the future of our planet's natural and national parks. For the first time in history, the World Parks Congress will take place in Africa, specifically Durban, South Africa, putting the spotlight on Africa's parks.

So, what does the future of Africa's parks hold? The African Wildlife Foundation believes that the Heartlands approach is at the core of Africa's future parks. Specifically, "parks" will be part of a larger wilderness landscape that includes critical migratory corridors that border on private land. This model allows wildlife to roam as they need to do to thrive. And, in turn, rich wildlife provides great economic opportunities for local communities.

A number of African Wildlife Foundation staff will be participating in the 2003 World Parks Congress, advocating for a new vision for Africa's parks.