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About the Author

Benson Mutua is African Wildlife Foundation's Legal Assistant, Court Monitoring - Tsavo Landscape. He tracks wildlife cases and assists prosecutors, investigators, and judicial officers to deliver more convictions and enhance deterrent sentencing of wildlife crimes in Kenya. Additionally, he advances AWF’s objectives to strengthen wildlife law enforcement by training rangers and community scouts on wildlife laws and crime scene management. As part of the organization’s Wildlife Law Enforcement Program, Benson works alongside conservation scientists to contribute toward overall goals. Prior to joining AWF, he worked as a Court Monitor at WildlifeDirect. Among other duties, he traversed the different courts all over Kenya gathering information on the prosecution of wildlife cases under the Wildlife Conservation and Management Act, 2013 and thereafter co-authored the Court Monitoring Report 2014-2015. He attained his L.L.B. degree from The Catholic University of Eastern Africa. 

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Benson Mutua