Where We Work:


Overgrazing by livestock, shifting cultivation, human-wildlife conflict (HWC), and poaching are some of the most serious threats to wildlife and habitat in Tanzania. We operate at the local and national levels to help Tanzanians safeguard biodiversity and implement solutions that offer wins for nature and people.

Our work in three critical landscapes is multi-faceted, reflecting the diversity of challenges and opportunities at hand. Activities include:

  • HWC interventions that protect crops, prevent retaliatory attacks on wildlife, and save lives
  • Support for restoration and conservation of habitats
  • Counter-wildlife-trafficking efforts, including support for cross-border collaboration to fight poaching
  • Support for environmental monitoring through training and provisions in state-of-the-art technology
  • Sustainable agriculture solutions that make economies work for nature
  • Livestock extension services that help integrate Manyara Ranch—a critical wildlife corridor and giraffe breeding ground—into the life of the community
Tanzania Kilombero Maasai Steppe Tsavo-Mkomazi
Priority Landscapes

AWF in Action

A resurgence of wildlife in Manyara Ranch

The Manyara Ranch Conservancy serves as a vital corridor between Lake Manyara National Park and Tarangire National Park and is also an important giraffe nursery. When we started working in this landscape in 2014, it was ravaged by overgrazing and poaching. Through our efforts, it’s become a thriving habitat for elephants, giraffes, and other species. Today, the Ranch is a model mixed-use conservancy that maintains a herd of more than 800 Boran cattle—a use that supports conservation activities as well as the Ranch’s outreach to local Maasai herders.

Read about the ranch restoration

Agricultural solutions that work for nature

In Kilombero Valley, AWF partners with local communities and commercial agricultural producers in the Southern Agriculture Growth Corridor of Tanzania. We help communities with land-use planning; expand farmers’ use of ecologically and economically viable production technologies while improving water quality and catchment management; improve farmers’ access to financial institutions and markets; and help families diversify incomes to develop resilience to climate change’s impacts.

community farm

Collaborating on anti-poaching

To support governments in combating transboundary poaching, we have facilitated cross-border coordination among anti-poaching forces. Ranger teams from Tanzania and Kenya participate in concurrent patrols guided by intelligence information. With more robust sharing of information and tactics, forces are more effective at targeting and deterring illegal activity. In 2022, we opened a canine facility in Mkomazi National Park, where we have established a tracker-dog unit that investigates and deters poaching.

Read about cross-border security
Ranger team

Easing human-wildlife conflict

Wild animals can destroy a whole season’s crops in one visit and even cause loss of life. To help farming families prevent crop raids, our team provides awareness training and demonstrates an arsenal of humane but effective tools—pressure horns, flashlights, chili bombs, beehive fences, and more.
Learn about beehive fences
beehive fencing

Improving wildlife crime enforcement

We strengthen the work of law enforcement agencies through training in emerging wildlife-crime trends, proper evidence handling, financial crimes, digital forensics, and other topics. We also monitor court cases in the cross-boundary Tsavo-Mkomazi landscape to address logistical and other challenges that can stymie the progress of a case.

Learn more about court monitoring
law enforcement training

Restoring Ecosystems & Managing Landscapes

To stop and reverse habitat loss, we work with protected-area authorities to strengthen their management of protected areas by equipping them with equipment, tools, and training in best practices. We also help to establish and support the management of community conservancies and community forests. Many of these community conservation areas protect wildlife corridors—natural areas that allow wildlife to travel from one habitat to another—which are crucial for seasonal wildlife movement or adapting to the effects of climate change. Creating these areas involves participatory, inclusive land-use planning, robust local governance, and sustainable and prosperous community livelihoods strategies. The end results are intact ecosystems that can provide essential ecosystem services and are more resilient to climate change. 

How we restored a wildlife corridor
A vehicle is parked near a pod of elephants.

We work with the people of Tanzania for wildlife. Our strategic, implementing, and funding partners include:

College of African Wildlife Management, Mweka

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)

International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)

Ministry of Lands, Housing and Human Settlements Development

Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism

Ministry of Water

National Land Use Planning Commission

President’s Office - Regional Administration and Local Government

Rufiji Basin Water Board - strategic partner

Southern Agricultural Growth Corridor of Tanzania

Swedish International Development Agency

Tanzania Agricultural Research Institute

Tanzania Forest Services Agency

Tanzania National Parks

Tanzania Wildlife Management Authority

Tanzania Wildlife Research Institute

US Agency for International Development

Vice President’s Office, Environment Division

Wildlife We Are Protecting

By the Numbers


51,850 Number of people benefiting from AWF's conservation efforts


4 of 5 Wildlife populations supported by AWF that are stable/increasing

Pastor Magingi


Pastor Magingi

Tanzania Country Coordinator/ Senior Manager Strategy Development